Monday, July 20, 2009

Nineteen Years!!

Nineteen years ago today I married my husband Jeff. Many people didn't think we'd make it a year. I was pregnant, he's nine years older than me and I was only eighteen. But today we celebrate our nineteenth anniversary. Some days were harder than others but through the grace of God we are still together and I love him more today than I did when I said 'I do!'

I heard somewhere (and I'm sorry, but I'm not going to get this quote exactly right) that people fall out of love every day but marriage makes you stay together until you fall in love again. I like that. Marriage is never easy and some days you wonder if it's worth it. But then you have days when you wonder what your life was like without that other person.

So, for anyone who's having a bad time in their marriage or wondering what happened to the person you married, hang around for a little while. You'll probably never find that same person that you married, but you'll probably fall more in love with the person he or she has become.

Now, I'm off for a couple of days to celebrate!!


ChristinaLynn said...

Ok, this post is almost a year old...I KNOW that you have new material in you, please share!!

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About Me

I have been married since July, 1990. God has blessed me and my husband with four children. My oldest will graduate in May and head to college. I enjoy reading and began writing my own stories a few years ago.

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