Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Not Blocked, Just No Time

As you can tell from my post on Sunday, the last week or so has been very busy for me. And of course, the first thing that seems to go is my writing time. I've tried working on my WIP and editing while I'm in the van going to and from Jeff's appointments, but I've started to get sick in the car. I guess I'm getting motion sickness as I get older. :-)

So, Sarah's Hope is now in two versions. One longer, and one shorter. Hopefully, I'll be able to submit the shorter version by the end of the month. I started NANOWRIMO, but like every other year I've tried it, life interrupted and I haven't exactly gotten a lot written.

Jeff's health is doing about the same. He did have a procedure to break up the kidney stones, and it appears to have worked, and on Thursday he'll go in for a pain management conference. Hopefully, they'll be able to control his pain level. Kids are doing well. Keeping up with their schoolwork and hoping for snow again this year.


Jennifer Taylor said...

Like your new blog. Life's interuptions happens to all of us. Don't let it discourage you. Just keep perservering in baby steps when you can't take long leaps.

Many blessings,

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About Me

I have been married since July, 1990. God has blessed me and my husband with four children. My oldest will graduate in May and head to college. I enjoy reading and began writing my own stories a few years ago.

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